Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Sense Of an Ending..

 The Sense of an Ending

1.What do you mean by Unreliable Narrator? Is Tony Webster classifiable as Unreliable Narrator.

                          Tony webster has illustrated a story which was there in his mind and in his memory and  you can't totally relay on memories because we are human beings and there is some limitations for us that we remember good times good moments and we want to forget bad experience of life we delete them from  our memory though it may not be true to everyone sometimes we remember half truth of our memory.and sometimes it depends on a person that sometimes they recalls their  bad memories 1st rather than the good ones.

So there is no authentic document to prove the whole truth but if one have documented every thing than we think to not to doubt on a particular work of literature.

               Here In very first line he says :" I remember ,in no particular order". Tony is in 2nd category he only knew half of the truth from his memory than then he comes to conclusion with senses of an ending. for eg. he has written half of the things without documentation proves and he him self says the things was seems to be like this the way I remembered.

               "I was so I'll at ease that ,I spent the entire weekend constipated : this is my principal facul memory the rest consists of impressions and half-memories which may  therefore be self-serving :for instance ..."

eg. Sarah Ford's communication with him or the way frod's have treated him. And last but not the least Memory is personal history. It is constructed as history is constructed. It is where we may lie with ourselves. It is the story and thus fiction about ourselves, narrated repeatedly by us, most of the time, false narrative.

4.What is the meaning of phrase Blood Money in Veronicas reply email?

                                         Adrian was first in relation to Veronica and then comes closer to Veronica's mother that was Sarah ford.And in letter to Adrian Tony have suggested to see Veronica's mother to know real about Veronica so may be that was the thing that Sharah Ford has send him a money but Tony was totally blank about this chapter of Adrian and Sarah so he was not able to get his ans and he email to Veronica and she wrote Blood Money. Perhaps he is the reason for Adrian’s suicide  and coming to sarah point of view may be she was thankful to Tony for getting Adrian in his life because she has mentioned that Adrian was happy in his last days.

8. Do you see any missing block some dot which is not getting connected with the whole or dot missing to get full sense of the novel - in the plot of this psychological thriller?

                                     Missing block I don't  know actually but I felt something is missing in this or I felt strange that is: 

                    "When  I  came  down  for  breakfast,  only Mrs  Ford  was  around. The  others  had  gone  for  a  walk,  Veronica  having  assured  everyone that  I  would  want  to  sleep  in.  I  cant  have  disguised  my reaction  to this very wel,  as  I  could  sense  Mrs  Ford  examining  me  while  she made  bacon  and  eggs,  frying  things  in  a  slapdash  way  and breaking  one  of  the  yolks.  I  wasnt  experienced  at  talking  to girlfriends  mothers. Have you lived here long? I eventualy  asked,  though  I already knew the answer. She  paused,  poured  herself  a  cup  of  tea,  broke  another  egg into  the  pan,  leant  back  against  a  dresser  stacked  with  plates,  and said, Dont  let  Veronica  get away with  too  much. I didnt know how to reply. Should I be ofended  at  this interference in our relationship, or fal  into  confessional  mode  and discuss Veronica? So I said, a litle  primly, What do you mean, Mrs  Ford? She looked  at me, smiled  in  an  unpatronising  way, shook her head slightly,  and  said, Weve  lived  here  ten  years.

                              So  in  the  end  I  was  almost  as  much  at  sea  with  her  as  with the  rest  of  them,  though  at  least  she  appeared  to  like  me.  She eased  another  egg  on  to  my plate,  despite  my  not  asking  for  it  or wanting it. The remnants of the broken one were stil  in  the  pan; she flipped them casualy  into  the  swing-bin,  then  half-threw  the  hot frying  pan  into  the  wet  sink.  Water  fizzed  and  steam  rose  at  the impact, and she laughed, as if she had enjoyed causing this smal havoc. "

                                      "When  I  came  downstairs  to  say goodbye,  Mr  Ford  seized  my suitcase  and  said  to  his  wife,  I  trust  youve  counted  the  spoons, darling?  She  didnt  bother  to  answer,  just  smiled  at  me,  almost  as if we had a secret ."

                               "Mrs Ford was leaning against the porch, sunlight faling  on  a wisteria  climbing  the  house  above  her  head. As  Mr  Ford  put  the  car into  gear  and  spun  the  wheels  on  the  gravel,  I  waved  goodbye,  and she responded, though not the way people normaly  do,  with  a raised  palm,  but  with  a  sort  of  horizontal  gesture  at  waist  level.  I rather  wished  Id  talked  to  her  more. To  stop  Mr  Ford  pointing  out  the  wonders  of  Chislehurst a second time, I said to Veronica, I like  your  mum. this seems to be weird to me or seems to be somethingsomething was happening with bothof them may be I may not be right but I feel that so and so for me there is still not end..

5.Adrians diary is willed to Tony by Sarah Ford. How come Sarah Ford owned it? Why was it in the possession of Veronica?

                             Sarah Ford and Adrian was in relationship and they had a son to so the diary was of Adrian was owns by Sarah Ford and she willed to Tony to know the truth and he was the reason perhaps of their closeness so she wants to willed to Tony and it was in possession of Veronica because son of Sarah Ford and Adrian was a brother if we relate the relations  so she was sister of that Adrian2.

Saturday, March 19, 2016



To the lighthouse deals with complexity of relations and psychological state of a person. Mrs. Ramsay is given a special space by Virginia in this novel.and she represents traditional way of living life a great mother and wife who is very carrying  and she will sacrifice for others .she was the connecting link between her husband and children.
I agree that novel is both tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay. She was a giver .And after her death also she was present in every characters mind. she was kind and a humble person .so we can say that it is tribute to her .And we critically evaluate this novel’s characters especially of Mrs.Ramsay than we can understand that she was a happy with what she was doing and she was happy in satisfying her husband’s male ego. She was happy with patriarchal society .She was not  having any rational thoughts.

”I have had my vision” this is last line of this novel and it is used very symbolically and it shows now finally the mind set of Lily Briscoe. what was the significance of her life and what does she was thinking of Mrs. Ramsay’s life too. The end of the film- Lily finished final touch of painting and walks inside the house. It presents psychological level of her mind. Then she goes into-chamber, the light and dark shade makes his face play hide and seek, it shows hidden wish of her. She climbs stairs, puts her brush aside, walks through the dark and light to enter the room. Gently closes the door-speaks:

“closed doors, open windows”- lies on the bed and with some sort of satisfaction utters:
“Dearest Briscoe, you are a fool .”

So this last line “closed doors, open windows”, 

used as a life of Lily Briscoe that whatever she lived with her attitude and freedom it can’t make any difference if we compare her with Mrs. Ramsay.

“closed doors”- means whatever vision of Lily Briscoe is now completed but she can’t satisfied with it. It is the real experience presented by Lily Briscoe. And

“open windows”

means lack of some fulfillment, desire and inner wishes for her shown by Virginia Woolf. And there are possibilities that she thought of her life is better than Mrs .RAMSAY

‘Army and Navy’ and Refrigerator are connected with preserve or shaper of culture. The catalogue I n To the Lighthouse does not have a date, but it does have a name. War and consumption are linked in the same object. Why Virginia Woolf put here reference of refrigerator and why James cut only refrigerator?  So here Mrs.Ramsay is training and shaping her children’s mind.
Virginia Wolf give some prominence to Fisherman’s wife because she compares her character with Mrs.Ramsay. Both make unreasonable demands upon their husband. “Fisherman and his Wife” also like a fairy tale. Presence of fairy tale challenges the myth about the dangers- of unopposed female will and desire. Virginia Woolf challenges the roles and capabilities of women through character of fisherman’s wife and Mrs.Ramsay.

Waiting For Godot

"Waiting For Godot” 

If we look at the painting setting seems to be like dull ,gloomy evening and barren tree  and two characters will be visible there. While in film there are two male character and painting has male and female this is first difference and another difference is in  painting they are contemplating moon in forest whereas here the country side road, the above painting is believed to be the inspiration for Samuel Beckett for setting of the play ‘’Waiting For Godot” 

Tree is the only important thing in both acts, it is the thing which Vladimir remembers, it is the mark where God is going to come, it is the tree where they both decides to hang themselves but could not, it remain central object in both the acts. By growing some leaves on barren tree It can be seen as ray of hope. In other way it also can be seen as it has nothing to do with hope or God, its natural phenomena.. 

As in archetypes of literature clearly suggests evening as dying stage of life and night as death, we have here two old characters on dying stage of their life. As in both acts they are waiting for Godot at evening time thus there will be no happy ending of their waiting.  There is progression of evening in to night and moon rises but there is no sign of Godot, and it is just the early stage of the night thus the hope/day is very far.

.It gives gloomy and uncomfortable feelings like something very bad has happened and after that there is wild silence.. Something has rotten and in a sense it gives nauseate feeling for the place it make it more barren.  

opening line of the play  “nothing to be done”, and it continues to repeat throughout the play. this nothingness is the theme of the play, as in this play at micro level many thing happens but in reality nothing happens, as two tramps are waiting for godot but “no one comes no one goes nothing happens” things and words are only repeated. We see characters are waiting for the Godot but their wait is endless. They plan to commit suicide but they could not, there is nothing like usefulness all is meaningless there is no change at all. And both the time boy come at the end of the acts that nothingness and uselessness of waiting is clearly pointed out.    

The rotten place just like a land deserted after war. But the main thing which is positive in the play is that the two characters  keep waiting, their hope in Godot does not die. They have strong faith in Godot that he will come. Even as reader we don’t know since when they are waiting. At the end of both the acts boys comes and say Godot is not going to come today but he will surely come tomorrow, this keep us hope for tomorrow, there will be a day when Godot will come and save them. At certain point of the play they think to commit suicide, but they do not, this is positive thing in the play as life itself is the problem but suicide is not a solution.

The boot symbolize the physical strength, not thoughtful in other way it also can be s  The hat is symbol of intellect as Vladimir a thinker and play with the hat. Even when Pozzo wants lucky to think he asks to put hat on head and Lucky starts his unstoppable babble.  Even Pozzo said that lucky can’t think without Hat. 

its really  most irritating, it gives nauseate feeling, obedience is good but too much. Humans are same as character like Lucky who never had seen the god but still goes on worshiping we never try to make free our self  away from the  fear of god. And we pretend as if we like the servitude to God. Not only to see in the play but when we look at the blind people  followers of any religions we will  feel that what is the use of this worship and all because we don’t know tha God is really exist or not.   

In my opinion it can be any of the God, object of desire, ambition or goal and death. in my opinion it is the final truth the Death, and it is also an object of desire which frequently changing.

I agree with the point that the subject of the play is waiting and not Godot. Throughout the play the two men characters are constantly go on waiting- which is such a boring task. Though they are waiting for Godot but even they don’t know who Godot is how he looks and even don’t know the place they are waiting is right or not. It is the wait for something to end and something to begin. Waiting is such activity like it kills the time and by killing the time trying to kill life.

Reading is better option  because it has witty dialogues and it flows in torrent speed thus audience could not get time to ponder on particular sentence and it may happen that audience may not understand in the way it was expected by the writer. 

One Night @ The Call Center


This is 21st century and that’s why the literature which publish in this era called 'New Literature'. 

New literature comprises contemporary issues of society. 

And “ON@TCC” is also a part of New Literature and  it 

reflects Contemporary issues:

Chetan Bhagat has presented reality of the youth especially of middle class youth who are well educated and working  in a call center but worried about not only of losing the job but also every individual has their personal problems and they have their own dreams to be successful in life. ( Marriage, generation gap, identity crises, demotivation etc.)while working in call center a person suffers from identity crises though he is in India he have to hide his identity and his mother tongue influence and have to focus on foreign accent. Fear of humiliation is also shown here.
Changing the identity also seems to be not only identity crises but also effect of  globalization let’s see how they have changed their names to hide their real identity and nationality ,these names saves them from humiliation too.

                  Shyam Mehra – Sam Mercy

                Malhotra  - Victor

                  Radhika Jha – Regima Jones

                  Esha singh – Elina

Mannepean satire:

   Serious + Comic = Mannepean satire
The mixture of these  both makes a difference and it does a satire on every issues of society say for eg. Bossism, politicians,  a youth which is still not awakened and watching a music channels instead of news. Generation gap and how the one is feeling lonely youngsters big dreams and which ways they used to achieve their personal success is it moral or not what exactly it is and also a satire on God we could find here  in the conversation between God and the six characters:

‘God doesn’t normally call. Prove that you are God. Otherwise, can you
please get us some help,’ Vroom said.
‘How do I prove I am God? Do I make this cell phone float? Or do I create
rain and lightning on demand? Or do you prefer magic tickets? Special effects
maybe?’ God said.

‘Well, I don’t know. But yeah, something like that,’ Vroom said.

‘So, to impress you I have to break the same laws of physics that I
made? I’m not into that these days. And I have plenty of believers. I thought I
could help, but I can hand up. See you then…’ God said.

In classroom interaction we saw difference and some similarities between two movies  and we also found out why the movie “Hello” an adaptation of the novel ON@TCC did not get much success.  In ON@TCC and Life of Pie  central idea is God. In life of Pie the narrator  Pie was born and brought up with several religions and its  stories  and his mother was religious while his father was with a rational mind. He has experienced both the things and coming back to animals he was used to stay with animals and animals were part of his life so when the story comes to his staying and being with a tiger seems to be appropriate and little bit convincing . But in the ON@TCC all six characters are matured and educated and practical rather than traditional. So this novel is not that much sound convincing and give a voice to God by using a mobile phone it sounds funny too and it brakes traditional ideas too. Now coming back to movie Hello director tried to give much modern effect to the movie by using airport rather than using train but train is more effective than the airport one can get more time in journey and it sounds interesting too. And in movie we directly found that a lady seems to be some mysteries figure the way she walks out and etc…but here  it depends upon reader that God is present or not, but if we look at the story by without God it’s open for another perspective. Narrative structure found little bit complex and confusing too.

Self-help book :

It gives some inspiration to  come out of the  problems is not that much easy so these types of books gives a suggestions and gives a push to person to  live life happily it can be savior of someone’s life too now a day’s people are reading Self help books in more number because everyone has personal problems in their life. In the novel call from God is contains self help books quality because after the call the vision of all six characters were changed their views and rather than thinking of problems they started thinking of alternatives of living a peaceful life with a solution .The call of the God gave  moral and talked about the four things  Intelligence, Imagination, Self-confidence, and failure and at last talked about importance of reverse gear in life.    

Author himself says

“This is someway my story. A great fun, inspirational One!” So it can be categorize as a self help book at some extent. 

The Birthday party



The Birthday party

The Birthday party is  

“a deeply political play about the individual’s imperative need for resistance.”

If we refer to the character’s of The Birthday Party we come to know about political minds and politics of power in this.

 We come to know that how politics has affected on every individual’s life and the ill-treatment of an individual.

  If we refer to character of Lulu:
 She is Symbol of inspiration of an artist. One of the two strangers seduced her, symbolically represents the torture inflicted on Stanley the artist.
She may also be a symbol of women being used as too or toy for pleasure by man.
Stanely Webber was a  potagonist , an artist,and his ill treatment was mentiond her.
Meg told Petey to read newspaper loudly, it shows that power is in hand of men.And women are marginalised character. Pet ey his act of reading newspaper it also suggest that he is hiding himself, or we can say is weakness and impotentness. Not able to help Stanley.


is presented here

 He is an artist who had rebelled against the mode of life which society tries to impose upon its members but the pressures of society make the artist conform to the prevailing social manners and mores.
 Society could not tolerate the free – thinking individualistic artist because it saw him as a threat to its own stability.
 Society symbolise by Nat and McCann and they have destroyed the artist’s individuality. And at last we saw him dressed in suit and clean, collared shirt. He appears defeated and docile.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter
by J.K.Rowling

Discourse on the purity of blood and Harry Potter purity of blood:

Its like we are going back to history or in too deep in to the mind of J.K.Rowling. as good vs evil master race consider as a superior others as inferior but here we are having a look upon to the protagonist "Harry Potter" who is mud-blood (half blood) when ever we think of pure blood we think of him/her as a godly figure ,who can be a survivor, better or superior than other .

In the world of J.K. Rowling 's she has combined the whole..racial identities if we thought of her characters they were from different geographical areas,and also has different racial identities. say for eg. Parvati and padma patil sisters , Cho chang ,Dean Thomas, Angelina Johnson All of above characters have different racial identities ,and one more thing can be notified here that Ron Weasley who was a friend of Harry potter,he was from the same society but,people looks at him with a different eyesight ,less intelligent and may be clss conflict was presented but this point helps us to understand that Harry Potter and Hermione Granger,who belongs to different class than Ron and a Harry Potter who was the talk of the town mud-blood,who accepted him as a friend so may be here the thing has sown that "All are same and equal" coming back to Purity of Blood Harry was mud-blooded but than even he became survivor and choosen person of magical world who was half blooded but stands on a side of good .Killing of lord Voldemort signifies that now, Harry wil be master of magic world so,the chain of master moving into evil to good. means Voldemort to Harry and at last good wins over bad,no matter the blood was pure or half blooded. no any other was shown as powerful as Harry or we can say that it was only in his hand to save Hogwart. Protagonist was a white child no brown or black so still their may be thought of multiculturalism but still whites affected in to this text.It is J.K. Rowling's personal choice but sometimes own identity reflects more attractive than the she is white and she choiced white racial identity as a protagonist. 

children literature:  

Harry Potter can be recognized as a children literature and it contains all the aspects of children's literature and all the series has similar kind of aspects. Characters are children it contains fantasy Imagination world of magic and adventure it gives fun, relaxation and enjoyment but it has simple but deeply philosophical realities of life. It has universal truths like: life, love ,death, suffering, good wins over evil. It represents Eros & Thanatos... survival instinct love instinct death instinct etc...and all the series moves around these.....

. Theme of Love and Death:  

Love and death in a way both are the ultimate truth. love is natural and death is also natural no one can escape from love nor even from Death. starting part of Harry Potter series we find out that Harry's parents were died and Harry leaved alive and that was the love of his parents ...his mother loved him so much that she sacrificed her life for her child . Harry Potter was symbolically representative of love. while Lord voldemort was a symbol of evil and Death. In this journey of love and Death, Harry never forgot his parents always thought of them and their blessings were always remain with him and this thoughts and feeling of love and a emotional bondage gave him strength though the truth was they are dead but always they live alive in his heart and memories.but at one extent he was able to come out of his illusion that they are not alive . He witnesses so many deaths in passing days but he always surrounded by his friends and guide .Like Professor Albus Dumbledore Hermione ,Ron and Neville etc He was putting his life in danger for others that was out of love and though he was in side of goodness but there was always a ultimate truth death to meet him.He can't be mortal and he can't escape.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Prayer Before Birth - Poem by Louis Macneice.

Prayer Before Birth - Poem by Louis Macneice  I am not yet born; O hear me.

Let not the bloodsucking bat or the rat or the stoat or the
club-footed ghoul come near me.

I am not yet born, console me.
I fear that the human race may with tall walls wall me,
with strong drugs dope me, with wise lies lure me,
on black racks rack me, in blood-baths roll me.

I am not yet born; provide me
With water to dandle me, grass to grow for me, trees to talk
to me, sky to sing to me, birds and a white light
in the back of my mind to guide me.

I am not yet born; forgive me
For the sins that in me the world shall commit, my words
when they speak me, my thoughts when they think me,
my treason engendered by traitors beyond me,
my life when they murder by means of my
hands, my death when they live me.

I am not yet born; rehearse me
In the parts I must play and the cues I must take when
old men lecture me, bureaucrats hector me, mountains
frown at me, lovers laugh at me, the white
waves call me to folly and the desert calls
me to doom and the beggar refuses
my gift and my children curse me.

I am not yet born; O hear me,
Let not the man who is beast or who thinks he is God
come near me.

I am not yet born; O fill me
With strength against those who would freeze my
humanity, would dragoon me into a lethal automaton,
would make me a cog in a machine, a thing with
one face, a thing, and against all those
who would dissipate my entirety, would
blow me like thistledown hither and
thither or hither and thither
like water held in the
hands would spill me.

Let them not make me a stone and let them not spill me.
Otherwise kill me. 

This poem is considered as dramatic monologue. it was written around the time of the second world war and as a result it has a pessimistic tone. The poet uses a voice over of the infant or it even be called foetus.
As the title of poem suggest its tone of that of request of a sort wherein the foetus in the womb does not wish to come on this earth if the conditions remain what they are. This is the premise in which the poet constructs his poem.
The first stanza has a pleading tone wherein it does not wish to enter in this earth if the world is so frightened.

“let not the bloodsucking …come near me”

Moving forward to the second stanza the tone becomes that which requires consolation in which it fears the human race and every sin that the human commit.

In the next stanza infant requires certain provisions like that of water, grass, tree, sky and birds for a jocund company.

In the next stanza forgiveness is demanded for the sins that it would commit as soon as it is born and wishes to be away from traitors who forcefully lead it towards committing mistakes.

Moving forward to the 5th stanza ,the poet takes in to consideration the infant’s wish to get ready for robs that he/she has to play and that he wishes has to be away from
“old men lecture …children curse.”

In the 6th stanza the infant requests that he/her should be heard and that nothing negative should come near and he/she should be saved from any negative elements within the society.

The following stanza is about infant’s wish to fill him\her with utmost strength against inhuman and that he/she should cease to be mechanic and materialistic ,and that he/she should never loose control on ones own self and wishes to be integrated in terms of deeds.

Finally the poet through the mouthpiece  of an infant does not wish to enter this world full of miseries it is better to get killed than to live in this world.

As the tone of the poem suggest it was written in a very difficult time period for entire world. World at that point in time was not worth living and it is reflected through this poem in very pessimistic way of saying and the infant is used as a mouthpiece because the world at that point in time was not at all good for procreation.