Saturday, March 19, 2016

One Night @ The Call Center


This is 21st century and that’s why the literature which publish in this era called 'New Literature'. 

New literature comprises contemporary issues of society. 

And “ON@TCC” is also a part of New Literature and  it 

reflects Contemporary issues:

Chetan Bhagat has presented reality of the youth especially of middle class youth who are well educated and working  in a call center but worried about not only of losing the job but also every individual has their personal problems and they have their own dreams to be successful in life. ( Marriage, generation gap, identity crises, demotivation etc.)while working in call center a person suffers from identity crises though he is in India he have to hide his identity and his mother tongue influence and have to focus on foreign accent. Fear of humiliation is also shown here.
Changing the identity also seems to be not only identity crises but also effect of  globalization let’s see how they have changed their names to hide their real identity and nationality ,these names saves them from humiliation too.

                  Shyam Mehra – Sam Mercy

                Malhotra  - Victor

                  Radhika Jha – Regima Jones

                  Esha singh – Elina

Mannepean satire:

   Serious + Comic = Mannepean satire
The mixture of these  both makes a difference and it does a satire on every issues of society say for eg. Bossism, politicians,  a youth which is still not awakened and watching a music channels instead of news. Generation gap and how the one is feeling lonely youngsters big dreams and which ways they used to achieve their personal success is it moral or not what exactly it is and also a satire on God we could find here  in the conversation between God and the six characters:

‘God doesn’t normally call. Prove that you are God. Otherwise, can you
please get us some help,’ Vroom said.
‘How do I prove I am God? Do I make this cell phone float? Or do I create
rain and lightning on demand? Or do you prefer magic tickets? Special effects
maybe?’ God said.

‘Well, I don’t know. But yeah, something like that,’ Vroom said.

‘So, to impress you I have to break the same laws of physics that I
made? I’m not into that these days. And I have plenty of believers. I thought I
could help, but I can hand up. See you then…’ God said.

In classroom interaction we saw difference and some similarities between two movies  and we also found out why the movie “Hello” an adaptation of the novel ON@TCC did not get much success.  In ON@TCC and Life of Pie  central idea is God. In life of Pie the narrator  Pie was born and brought up with several religions and its  stories  and his mother was religious while his father was with a rational mind. He has experienced both the things and coming back to animals he was used to stay with animals and animals were part of his life so when the story comes to his staying and being with a tiger seems to be appropriate and little bit convincing . But in the ON@TCC all six characters are matured and educated and practical rather than traditional. So this novel is not that much sound convincing and give a voice to God by using a mobile phone it sounds funny too and it brakes traditional ideas too. Now coming back to movie Hello director tried to give much modern effect to the movie by using airport rather than using train but train is more effective than the airport one can get more time in journey and it sounds interesting too. And in movie we directly found that a lady seems to be some mysteries figure the way she walks out and etc…but here  it depends upon reader that God is present or not, but if we look at the story by without God it’s open for another perspective. Narrative structure found little bit complex and confusing too.

Self-help book :

It gives some inspiration to  come out of the  problems is not that much easy so these types of books gives a suggestions and gives a push to person to  live life happily it can be savior of someone’s life too now a day’s people are reading Self help books in more number because everyone has personal problems in their life. In the novel call from God is contains self help books quality because after the call the vision of all six characters were changed their views and rather than thinking of problems they started thinking of alternatives of living a peaceful life with a solution .The call of the God gave  moral and talked about the four things  Intelligence, Imagination, Self-confidence, and failure and at last talked about importance of reverse gear in life.    

Author himself says

“This is someway my story. A great fun, inspirational One!” So it can be categorize as a self help book at some extent. 

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